
Showing posts from March, 2024

CHANGING THE TEXT!!! - Yu-Gi-Oh! Official Card Game Official Guide Starter Book! (Part 3)

 (Part 1 can be found here . Part 2 can be found here .)     When we last left off, the Expert Rules were discussed and what changes came to the game. Today, we'll finish discussing the Official Guide Starter Book by talking about the last update to "Yu-Gi-Oh!".     Do cards always stay the same? Once a card is printed, will it always be written in the same way from that point on? The answer to that question is no. Not every card will stay the same from printing. Over time and for various reasons, a card's text can be altered or changed entirely. This is called an ERRATA 「エラッタ」. It's not important right now to go into all of the ways a card can receive an errata. What IS important is knowing that cards can be changed from what they were before.      Within the Official Guide Starter Book, three cards would become the first to be changed in the game's history. These erratas made minor changes that mostly altered how these cards worked or clarified what was inte